Greetings from Enaboishu High School
Enaboishu High School is embedded with the most congenial atmosphere and boasts the students to excel in their academic pursuit. We are committed to provide facilities of the highest standard to kindle unfettered spirit of knowledge that broadens the mind sets and creates positive attitudes. Our conglomerate of educational institutions and experience further reiterates our stand for quality and intellectual stimulation.
We inculcate moral, spiritual and ethical values in a student’s personality, enriched with academic and administrative skills. This in turn instills the confidence to care for their families and the society at large. We provide a roadmap for development with fortitude to produce high level human resources and widen the domain of learning. By and large, our system of education has a global outlook and international exposure, produces a new breed of youths with practical and administrative skills needed for national development.
"when there was no education churches schools led the way".... Samuel Burnett 1985