In Enaboishu secondary there is enough position for studies in form one and form three.We have expirience in our school in teaching and we have techniques of teaching and ways that makes students feel happy and familiar in Enaboishu enviroment. Our school started to provide education services to all people in different countries since 1966.
We have all requirements and resources that enable students to do the best in their Academic performance.School resources include enough buildings for classes, laboratories,Library,sufficient chairs and tables to satisfy the student requirements.
Our students have good behavior this is due to good care that we provide like spiritual care and good school rules and regulations. We shall make sure that we create Bright future towards them through Guidence, Councelling,Displine and spirit of studying hard to our students which are important thing to be considered in our school.
Our school try to make efforts in academic performance so as to ensure that all students are able to pass the internal and external examinations.Our school academic goals is to make sure that all students pass their exams by Division One and two only.